How to Prepare Your Lawn and Landscape for Winter

JB’s Landscapes and Lawn Care provides both fall clean up and spring prep services. The intent of both of these maintenance steps is to prepare your landscaping and lawn with it’s best foot forward in anticipation of the beginning and end of the upcoming seasons. Winterizing your lawn and landscaping for the winter is essential to ensure that your plants, grass, and garden beds can both survive the cold weather and thrive again in the spring. Here are some general guidelines to get you started:

Lawn Care:

  • Mowing - JB’s Landscapes & Lawn Care suggest that you gradually lower the cut height of your mowing deck in the fall. This helps to pick up all trimmings, leaves, seeds, etc., going into the winter months. Your final cut of the year should be the shortest.

  • Aeration - In preparing for the winter months, nutrient and water absorption should be completed. This is done by aerating your lawn. This is especially necessary if you feel that your soil is compacted and needs the extra saturation during the off months.

  • Fertilization - At JB’s, we provide a six-step fertilization program that starts your lawn off on the right foot in the spring by preparing for the off season in the winter. We use a winterizing product that is rich in phosphorus and potassium. If you plan to apply your own fertilizer, follow the application rates proposed by your spreader.

  • Weed Control - During our fall cleanup program, JB’s removes any and all existing weeds before they go to seed. You may consider applying a pre-emergent herbicide (one of the 6 steps in our fertilization program) to help prevent growth of weeds over the winter.

Garden Beds and Plant Care:

  • Mulching - When preparing for the winter, we strongly suggest applying a layer of mulch around perennials, trees, and shrubs. Doing so will help your soil retain much needed moisture and regulate temperatures. The midwest is notorious for high fluctuations in temperatures, and mulching will help the soil to not suffer as a result of the drastic changes.

  • Trimming and Pruning - It is important to deadhead perennials, trim back ornamental grasses, and remove damaged and dead branches from both trees and shrubs.

  • Protect Delicate Plants - Delicate, potted plants need to be relocated to interior storage during these months. Delicate, in-ground plants need to be covered with bed sheets, burlap, or protective materials to ensure their longevity.

  • Fall Clean Up - It is imperative that you do your best to remove ALL annuals and debris from your garden beds prior to winter. Leaves that have fallen need to be collected and discarded. Doing so will help to prevent disease, and will allow sunlight to reach the surface.

To help with costs, most municipalities offer a free dump or pick up services. Check the link below for more information:

Garbage, Recycling and Yard Waste - City of Lincoln


  • Watering - Give your lawn and garden a deep watering before the first freeze. Ensure that your plants are well-hydrated going into the winter.

  • Sprinkler System - If you have an underground sprinkler system, drain and winterize it to prevent freezing.


  • Tool Maintenance - You are only as sharp as your personnel and equipment. In preparing for the winter, we strongly suggest cleaning, sharpening, and organizing your garden tools before storing them away for the season.

  • Lawnmower Care - Your lawnmower can make or break your mowing season. Proper storage of this equipment begins with a thorough cleaning to eliminate all dead grass, and continues with fresh oil, sharpened blade(s), replacement of spark plugs, and replacement of air & fuel filters. Refer to your manual to fully understand their suggestions and requirements to correctly store your mower away for the winter months.

  • Inspect Structures - Check and repair fences, trellises, and other garden structures.

  • Winterize Outdoor Furniture - If inside storage is not available, we strongly suggest covering outdoor furniture to protect it from the elements.

*specific recommendations may vary based on your region and local climate conditions.

JB’s Landscapes is proud to serve Lincoln and the surrounding communities. We have services and programs available for all residential and commercial properties to help you to achieve the lawn and landscape of your dreams. Your yard is a true reflection of our capabilities.

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Elite 6-Step Fertilization Program


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